Press Release: Ecore & Pliteq Lawsuit Settled

Ecore, a company that transforms reclaimed waste into unique performance surfaces, has successfully settled a lawsuit against Paul Downey and Pliteq, a business that sells building products for commercial sound control. The lawsuit arose as a result of Pliteq buying Ecore products through third parties and selling those products as its own manufactured product. “We discovered that Paul Downey and Pliteq were having third parties buy our products and having them shipped to a warehouse in Allentown, Pa.,” said Arthur Dodge, III, President and CEO of Ecore. “We learned from an employee of that warehouse that Pliteq was instructing the warehouse to take the Ecore labels off of our products and replace the Ecore labels with labels identifying the products as being manufactured by Pliteq.” Pliteq was simultaneously representing on the Pliteq Web site that the material was manufactured by it in Lancaster, Pa. Once Ecore learned of the relabeling activity, the company initiated a lawsuit against both Downey and Pliteq. A federal judge issued an immediate order requiring Downey and Pliteq to stop the activity of identifying the Ecore manufactured product as being made by Pliteq, which Pliteq agreed to. Ecore’s lawsuit continued and, shortly before trial, Ecore and Pliteq settled. Downey and Pliteq agreed to never engage in the activity of relabeling or representing any of Ecore’s products, including Ecore’s manufactured sound control underlayment, as their own products or implying that Ecore’s products were manufactured by them. “We are pleased to put this matter behind us and ensure (more…)

Perimeter Isolation Strips: What Are They & How Do You Install Them?

Click Here to Go Straight to the Installation How-To If you’ve ever been in the market for an acoustic underlayment, you’ve probably been reminded to use perimeter isolation strips in conjunction with the mat. And you probably didn’t. It’s okay, you’re not alone.  I’ve come across so many people- from amateur DIY-ers to professional contractors- who don’t think this extra step is necessary or worth the additional cost or effort.  On the contrary, for just a little bit of extra effort and for an additional $0.25 or so per linear foot, you will be safeguarding the effectiveness of your investment in acoustical insulation.  Here’s why you need perimeter isolation strips: Acoustics Question: What’s the speed of sound in air?Answer: 1130 feet per second. That’s fast, right?  But what’s faster is the speed of sound in common building materials!  Once sound gets into the structure of your building, it will be traveling 10-15 times faster than it does through air.  Take a second to consider how fast that is.  When you are having a face-to-face conversation, how would you describe how quickly you hear them?  The word immediately comes to mind for me.  So, if immediate can be used to describe something traveling at 1130 feet per second, what does something traveling at 16,000 feet per second mean?  If you’re in the business of multifamily homes, high turnover, complaints, and even lawsuits might come to mind.  All this is just to show you that structure-borne sound transmission can be incredibly difficult to contain.  So in this case the old adage rings true: (more…)

Not all rubber underlayments are created equal

In 2007, our company went from being Dodge-Regupol, Inc. to Ecore International, LLC. Today in 2014, we are still facing many challenges related to this change. Ecore Acoustics, in particular, has been trying to clear up the confusion in the marketplace related to the QT brand of sound control underlayments. Prior to 2007, we (Dodge-Regupol) were the only company manufacturing this form of recycled rubber acoustic underlayments. In 2007, the one brand spawned 2 more competing brands. So today, those in the market for a recycled rubber underlayment will probably have to make a decision between 3 brands, all of which seem very similar: Ecore, Regupol, and Pliteq. I’ve discussed this with many acoustical consultants around the country, and for the most part, they agree that QT, GenieMat, and Regupol Impacta are equivalent products. While we can’t make any claims related to the Regupol or Pliteq brands of underlayments, we can provide information about what sets Ecore QT apart from the others to help you make a more educated decision. Similarities: Composition: recycled rubber Color: black + various color specks Thickness: various options Application: may be used under a wide variety of floor finishes to reduce impact sound transmission What’s unique about Ecore QT? Manufacturing: – Ecore QT is Made in America Certified.  +Read more about this here+. – Ecore continues to manufacture solely out of it’s Lancaster and York facilities in Pennsylvania- just as it did when it was known as Dodge-Regupol.  Our cleaning and processing of the rubber does (more…)

Quiet As Carpet!

We are so excited to share with you the results of a semester-long research study in hospital acoustics conducted by graduating acoustical engineering seniors at the University of Hartford. Students, Adam Paul and David Arena, studied the acoustic benefits of our recycled rubber-backed commercial flooring options and found that ECORE has managed to make a smooth surface flooring as quiet as carpet! They’ve been awarded the 2014 Leo Beranek Student Medal for this work. Kudos to Adam and David! PDF Click Here for ECORE’s Quiet As Carpet White Paper PDF Click Here for ECORE’s Quiet As Carpet Infographic White Paper (more…)